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Post 9. January 13, 2018

Naturalism & Supra-Naturalism

Deism : Science & Religion & Philosophy

In their philosophical worldviews, Deists tend to fall into the no-man's-land between Naturalism1 and Supernaturalism, which I’ll call Supra-Naturalism. The Science-based Naturalists constitute a small “community of reason”, as defined by Tyler & Bakker in a Skeptical Inquirer (42/1) article, Let's be SHARPs together. But that smug self-description implies that “everyone else is irrational”. So they sought a less dismissive label for their little fraternity. The article then proposes an umbrella acronym for the various versions of naturalists : SHARP, standing for Skeptics, Humanists, Atheists, Rationalists, & Positivists. In a similar manner, we could describe the disparate factions of Supernaturalists as the much larger "fellowship of Faith". Under that ecumenical epithet we find Theists, Spiritualists, Pagans, Traditionalists, & Pseudoscientists. For this post, and just for funsies, I'll use the acronym SPiRiT. Of course those lump-lists exclude many other paradigms & belief systems on the margins of the broader breakdown of ideologies, including Agnostics, Freethinkers, & Unchurched, along with multitudes of unlabeled heathens. Among those outcasts are some who identify as Deists, because they believe in both God and Science.

The Naturalists believe that the only source of reliable knowledge is the scientific method of empirical testing for all theories. But the Supernaturalists, profess little faith in the powers of unaided human reason to understand the invisible spirit world, or to know ultimate Truth. So, instead of mundane reasoning, they place their trust in “inspired” or “enlightened” sages & prophets with elite insight or divine inspiration. Woo-wary Deists on the other hand, are acutely aware of their own intuitive errors & biases2, so tend to rely on methodical reasoning to double-check their gut-feelings and snap-judgments. Once burned by beautiful BS, they are inclined to fact-check the siren-song of any beguiling ideas that might beckon, no matter how tempting. Consequently, they question any bold claims of ordinary humans to secret knowledge (e.g. Gnosticism, visions, revelations) from beyond the mundane scope of science. Yet, at the same time, they can't completely ignore their personal intuition that there's more to reality than the superficial phenomena3 of materialistic Science. Therefore, they must make allowances for non-material noumena4 that hint at a mental or spiritual aspect of reality. For example, we can infer that other people have ideas similar to our own, but we can't prove it empirically, because we can't read other minds5.

Deists typically agree with scientists that there are mundane explanations for most reports of miracles or other supernatural activity, but they still see a place for something like a noumenal mind behind the magnificent size, beautiful order, and purposeful progression of the Cosmos. So they call that unknown, and possibly unknowable, First Cause : “God”, without imputing any more specific attributes to that mysterious Creator. Because that's where all of the world's religions, and supernatural worldviews, have gone wrong, as evidenced by the thousands of incompatible god-models. Hence, by carefully treading the fine line between Science & Superstition, they can have their God and Reason too. We could categorize these philosophical acrobats as the “-unity of Reason” and of Faith. But, if that sounds pretentious, in lieu of an acronym, just call them Deists.

End of Post 9

1. Naturalism : the belief that reality is limited to material things, physical causes & natural effects; no gods or spirits pulling magical strings.

2. Intuition : it seems that Reason is actually a special case of innate holistic thought, slowed down & zoomed-in for close analysis of parts.

Errors of Intuition :

3. Phenomena : how things appear to the five senses (e.g., sights and sounds) as con-trasted with what is apprehended by the intellect. Most experts agree that our normal experience of things is incomplete & biased.

4. Noumena : idealized concepts known via the sixth sense of Reason & imagination.

5. Read Minds : Neuroscientists have recently claimed to read minds, but that's merely a metaphor to describe the technology for mapping brain processes to behaviors. It's like observing a person eating, and inferring (guessing) that he feels hunger, without actually being able to experience the feeling of that person's urges.

Science :
pragmatic methods for discovering how to control Nature for human purposes.

Religion :
political systems for controlling people by standardizing their beliefs.

Philosophy :
theoretical approach to discerning true & false, good & evil.

Deism is not religion

Deism is not Religion

I think Deism necessarily combines both practical Science and ethical Philosophy, but the rituals of Religion (applied philosophy) are a matter of personal taste.  Like an unbiased news organization, Science discovers reliable bits of information, then Philosophy interprets that raw data into nutritious meaning for humans (species bias). Then, like the whipped cream & cherry on top, Religion merely embellishes the facts to suit special palates, but may not add any essential nutrients. The BothAnd principle advises Tolerance of all religions because they possess parts of the whole truth, but also cautions Doubt because they can't all be right. For those who need the doctrinal & political & emotional accessories of religion, feel free to pick your favorite flavor. But when they claim to know The Truth, don’t drink the Koolaid.

 << The fact is “Science” doesn’t get anything wrong. It can’t. Science knows no truths - only conditions. It knows no morality - only method. >> << Science is the first “priesthood” in history whose central catechism - repeated by every student - is “I might be wrong.”>> from Quora forum.

No Magic, No Miracles :
My personal version of Deism is basically Naturalism within a larger context of Supra-naturalism. By that I mean, nothing in our space-time world violates the laws of nature established in the Big Bang beginning. Only the eternal-infinite deity, who created the world as an act of will, could be considered above & beyond Nature*. Which means that any apparent magical phenomena and divine interventions are figments of imagination for those who believe in some form of supernaturalism. For example, faith healers find it easy to fix psychosomatic (mind-body & emotional) illnesses, but physical problems, like missing limbs, are much harder to fake. You don’t even have to believe in the G*D of Deism, in order to enjoy H/er mundane blessings, such as life & love & reason. But don’t expect G*D to change the course of Nature for the sake of one person. Instead, just assume that whatever is, is G*D’s will. Even magical Super-naturalists, when their prayers go unanswered, can agree with that.   
* this hypothetical god-model is a philosophical axiom,
not a scientific fact, or an article of Faith.

No Magic, no Miracles

Woo :
Woo is a word skeptics use as shorthand to describe pseudo-scientific and often anti-scientific ideas - ideas that are irrational and not based on evidence commensurate with the extraordinary nature of the claim.