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Alternative Theory of Reality & Deity

    Classical vs Quantum Reality . . . vs Ideality

In the 20th century, physical scientists inadvertently stumbled into a set of puzzling facts and phenomena that called their materialistic Enlightenment worldview into question. Today we call that peculiar & paradoxical alternative reality the “quantum realm” 6. Yet as noted above, it has some suggestive symmetries with the pre-scientific “spirit realm”. Although fantastic testimonies regarding that parallel world have always been inherently non-empirical, in the abstract those mythical descriptions seem to be eerily similar to our relationship with the quantum state : “Even though the spiritual realm is invisible to the physical eye, we are connected to it, and what goes on in the spiritual realm directly affects our physical world” 7. In this essay, and in the Enformationism theory, I don't mean to imply that there is an invisible fairyland of elves & unicorns, or angels & demons. Instead, I would use metaphors that are more relevant to our own time. For example, just as our essential reality can be described in computer terms as a system of interactive bits & bytes, our whole world, in a technical sense, may be imagined as the creation of an immaterial (spiritual) programmer, who enforms the macro material world from nothing more substantial than ideas, concepts and information. Is that Prime Meme as real as a hypothetical Quantum Field? Is the notion of an Ideal Field useful for making sense of our complex & perplexing reality? Is an ideal deity a useful concept for our jaded era?

Although most practicing scientists resist some of the spookier implications of quantum theory, they have been forced to admit that our normal reality is underlain by an invisible domain that has subtle-but-vital bottom-up effects on the human scale. They might also grudgingly concede that the world's foundation of immaterial fields must be ultimately more real than the egocentric imaginary models of reality ---  both materialistic & spiritualistic --- that we carry around in our heads. So, since both our macro & quantum world models can be boiled down to mental images & ideas, the question arises : what is true reality . . . a collection of isolated things, a swarm of mindless atoms, or a story woven of meanings? Personally, I find the idea of a world of ideas to be plausible & meaningful in the context of 21st century science. Yet, such an imaginary world logically requires an ultimate Conceiver to do the conceptualizing. And since the world seems to be enformed, there must be some kind of enformer.      

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6.Quantum Realm :

7. Spiritual Realm

Prime Meme :
the original concept of the natural world; the DNA of our cosmic organism

Enformed :
created by a process of en-form-action; materialized from immaterial information (Forms, concepts, ideas)

Blind men and quantum elephant?

Quote :
Quantum physicist on queer reality

Image :
Classical vs Quantum
laws of reality