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Post 3 11/04/2017

 Both  Conservative
 and Liberal?

The current state of politics around the world seems to be in the midst of a deconstructive postmodern reaction to the integrating forces epitomized by the Enlightenment and Scientific Modernism. For example, after the disintegration of the Holy Roman Empire . . . .

Post 10  1/22/2018

Evolution of God

The Old Testament records a series of evolving god-models in the lineage of Abrahamic religions. First, there was the transcendent Creator, who simply spoke the world into existence by issuing a series of commands, like the logical steps in a computer program . . . .   

Post 7  12/10/2017

 Foundation of  Reality

Most scientific and religious worldviews take the ontological status of Consciousness for granted. But when those belief systems are in conflict, their un-stated presumptions are key to resolving the problem. Modern Science typically assumes, as an unproven axiom, that conscious-ness is an emergent property of physical processes. . . .

Post 4 11/20/2017

 Alternative  Theory of
 Reality & Deity

In a world of idealistic & imag-inative humans, how can we know what's real, and what's fantasy? The scientific method was designed for just that pur-pose. But it originally assumed a clear distinction between Fact and Fiction.  Unfortunately, such a precise dichotomy is no longer

Post 8  12/16/2017

True Reality : Real & Ideal

In order to make sense of a confusing modern world-in-flux, where clear & reliable infor-mation is often camouflaged by the scrubby underbrush of Fake News and Trump Truth, we must begin by assuming the existence of Absolute Truth, at least in principle, as a stable standard. Cynical Post-modernism denies the possibility of such objectivity

 Post 2  10/29/2017


Like the philosophy of Pragmatism, the BothAnd principle, requiring accommo-dation to seemingly extraneous factors, could be dismissed as a weak policy of compromising eternal principles for temporary goals. But that sneer misses the point of taking the broader view, seeking harmony & balance in-stead of victory & triumph. . . .

Post 1  9/02/2017

 Both Equality
 and  Freedom

In Sapiens : A brief History of Mankind, Yuval Noah Harari says, “Unlike the laws of physics which are free of inconsisten-cies, every manmade order is packed with internal conflicts. Cultures are always trying to reconcile these contradictions, and this process fuels change.” That kind of erratic oppositional change . . .“Cultural Evolution”

Post 5 11/24/2017

 Back To The  Source

My Alternate Theory of Reality (ATOR) is based, in part, on the scientifically-confirmed fact that our world ain't what it appears to be. The Earth, as seen from a normal human perspective seems to be a flat surface with a few bumps here and there. Only from an artificially elevated viewpoint can we see that it's

Post 6  12/01/2017

Worldviews & God Models

This blog proposes the ultimate conspiracy theory : there's someone or something out there manipulating the world by myst-erious means. But it's not about polytheistic pantheons, or mono-theistic tribal gods, or science-magical ancient astronauts, or even about annoying elves, fairies, or jinn. . . . .

Post 9  1/13/2018

Naturalism & Supranaturalism

In their philosophical world-views, Deists tend to fall into the no-man's-land between Natural-ism and Supernaturalism, which I’ll call Supra-Naturalism. The Science-based Naturalists constitute a small “community of reason”, as defined by Tyler & Bakker in a Skeptical Inquirer (42/1) article, Let's be SHARPs together. . . .

Post 11  1/24/2018

Theory of Everything

The Enformationism thesis is a sort of Theory of Everything (TOE), in the sense that G*D is supposed to be the cosmic All, of which our world is a small part. But it is not a scientific model of reality, and it does not claim to be the absolute Truth. Instead, it is merely a frame-work for my personal under-

Post 12  1/29/2018

Form & Function
Body & Soul

When asked about the dis-appearance of jaguars from the jungles around his shamanic healing center in Peru, Maestro Juan Flores replied that his totem animal now existed only in the spirit world, yet retained its magical powers to influence real world human problems. "You can't erase a spirit"

Post 13  2/01/2018

 Deism vs  Atheism

Atheists & Humanists agree with Deists that most traditional religions, while useful for melding groups of unruly individuals into cohesive soci-eties with standardized ethical systems, have gone astray from practical real-word truth in their search for idealistic other-worldly certainty. . . . .

Post 14  2/07/18


In the beginning there was only the Singularity, a point-of-potential in an ocean of infinity. That non-local non-space-time mathematical "object" seemed to function like a computer program, or like DNA codes, or like a cookbook recipe. . . .

Post 15  2/11/18

Cosmo-psychism vs Enformationism

In his article for the online Aeon Magazine, Is The Universe A Conscious Mind?, philosopher Philip Goff begins with the current consensus of cosmo-logers, that the universe seems to be fine-tuned to produce living beings. Then he proposes a conscious universal agent . . .

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