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Post 4. Continued . . .  

Alternative Theory of Reality & Deity

   Quotes & Notes for Post 4

Q : How to interpret Quantum Physics?

A : by Martin Hauser, physicist

<< All attempts thus far at determining the meaning behind the theory have failed in one way or another. . . .  one of the greatest failings of contemporary physics - not so much that we have no meaningful interpretation of quantum mechanics or that most physicists have thrown in the towel and stopped trying to find one, but that they declare to do so impossible and dissuade others from seeking such as well.>>

 End Note 2. To determine the meaning underlying quantum theory is indeed impossible, if the theorist begins with a Materialist worldview. The reluctance of scientists to endorse the Spiritualist worldview that has led mankind into a morass of quarreling religions is understandable. That's why I take pains to distinguish 21st century Enformationism theory from all prescientific worldviews, and from modern pseudo-scientific woo-woo. Ancient sages, with limited resources, did the best they could to understand how the world works. But the “science” of their day was what we now call Magic or Superstition. It's not celestial wisdom that makes the difference though, but mere mundane sense-extending machines. And current technology allows us to see the invisible, and to understand that material/mechanical Reality is ultimately immaterial Ideality as seen through a high-tech “glass, darkly”.

Q : Has Science Discovered God?

A : by Marcus Lester, carpenter

<< Almost a hundred years ago, Albert Einstein said, “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”

Therefore, underlying all our worldly perceptions of our reality, there is only energy. In the great unbroken energy field, all existence is connected. Some energy is condensed in one perceptible form or another, but it remains energy that is connected to all energy. There is no separation.

More than this, the great energy field is aware, and we know this absolutely, because I, being part of that energy, am aware.

Now, what might “God” be other than a great, unbroken, underlying, and aware presence that manifests itself as, in, and through perceptible forms?

Or, as one of many different old books says, “In the beginning God…” And then this solitary God creates the universe of things, “the heavens and the earth.”

Science and some religious statements are not so far apart. >>

 End Note 3. I wasn't able to pin down a source for the Einstein quote, but it sounds like something he might say. Lester's “Great Energy Field” is what I would call the Eternal Information Field, or more colloquially, G*D.

Post 4  continued  . . . .click Next
