Post 3. November 4, 2017
Both Conservative and Liberal ?
The current state of politics around the world seems to be in the midst of a deconstructive postmodern reaction to the integrating forces epitomized by the Enlightenment and Scientific Modernism. For example, after the disintegration of the Holy Roman Empire, Europe was a region of many petty quarreling tribes, that eventually evolved into a few feuding kingdoms. Yet it finally coalesced into the economically & politically powerful European Union. Now, though, that market-
This back & forth, tug-
You might say that Liberalism asks people to reason together (ideals), while Conservatism asks them to feel together (tribe, folk). For example, Liberal politics looks forward to a time when all parties share power via reciprocal cooperation. Yet, Conservative politics tends to look back to a time when one party or ethnic group was in power (centralized authority), and all was right with the world. Uncompromising Progressives, like the 20th century Communists, mandated the collective authority of a state or oligarchy. While far-
In today’s polarized world we are again faced with increasingly contradictory choices. For instance, will we accept Pluralism, and deal with the chaotic consequences of the melting pot, or will we choose Fascism, and try to force humanity to remain in isolated tribes? The first will require patience & reason, while the latter may be forced to annihilate those who don’t fit-
End of Blog Post 3
Philosophical musings on Quanta & Qualia; Materialism & Spiritualism; Science & Religion; Pragmatism & Idealism, etc.